The Writer module
This module contains the Writer function, which allows for the customization of text styling in the terminal.
import Writer "mo:color/Writer";
import TextStyle "mo:color/TextStyle";
let { backgroundColor; textColor } = TextStyle;
let writer = Writer.Writer();
.text("hello world")
All of the text styles that can be manipulated
Object type that the Writer() function produces, contains all setter and read/print methods, and holds the internal settings state.
This state is currently not directly readable, but can
be manipulated via setter methods like text()
, textColor()
, etc.
Note: Nested function signatures are currently not picked up by mo-doc, so the below is a more spaced out, readable version of the API
Setter methods:
textColor: (color: Text) -> TextStyleFunctor;
textColorRGB: (r: Nat8, g: Nat8, b: Nat8) -> TextStyleFunctor;
textColorHex: (hex: Text) -> TextStyleFunctor;
backgroundColor: (color: Text) -> TextStyleFunctor;
backgroundColorRGB: (r: Nat8, g: Nat8, b: Nat8) -> TextStyleFunctor;
backgroundColorHex: (hex: Text) -> TextStyleFunctor;
text: (t: Text) -> TextStyleFunctor;
bold: (isBold: Bool) -> TextStyleFunctor;
italicize: (isItalicize: Bool) -> TextStyleFunctor;
underline: (isUnderline: Bool) -> TextStyleFunctor;
Accessor methods:
read: () -> Text; // returns the formatted and styled text
readDebug: () -> Text; // returns the internal representation of that text: escape code + SGR styling codes + text + reset & suffix escape code
print: () -> () // prints the result of read() to the console
public func Writer() : TextStyleFunctor
public func functor(newSettings : TextSettings) : TextStyleFunctor